如何在 Java 中复制目录

如何在 Java 中复制目录

原文: https://howtodoinjava.com/java/io/how-to-copy-directories-in-java/




package com.howtodoinjava.examples.io;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;

public class DirectoryCopyExample 
	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException 
		//Source directory which you want to copy to new location
		File sourceFolder = new File("c:\\temp");

		//Target directory where files should be copied
		File destinationFolder = new File("c:\\tempNew");

		//Call Copy function
		copyFolder(sourceFolder, destinationFolder);
	 * This function recursively copy all the sub folder and files from sourceFolder to destinationFolder
	 * */
	private static void copyFolder(File sourceFolder, File destinationFolder) throws IOException
		//Check if sourceFolder is a directory or file
		//If sourceFolder is file; then copy the file directly to new location
		if (sourceFolder.isDirectory()) 
			//Verify if destinationFolder is already present; If not then create it
			if (!destinationFolder.exists()) 
				System.out.println("Directory created :: " + destinationFolder);

			//Get all files from source directory
			String files[] = sourceFolder.list();

			//Iterate over all files and copy them to destinationFolder one by one
			for (String file : files) 
				File srcFile = new File(sourceFolder, file);
				File destFile = new File(destinationFolder, file);

				//Recursive function call
				copyFolder(srcFile, destFile);
			//Copy the file content from one place to another 
			Files.copy(sourceFolder.toPath(), destinationFolder.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
			System.out.println("File copied :: " + destinationFolder);


Directory created :: c:\tempNew
File copied :: c:\tempNew\testcopied.txt
File copied :: c:\tempNew\testoriginal.txt
File copied :: c:\tempNew\testOut.txt

使用Files.copy()方法,可以复制目录。 但是,目录内的文件不会被复制,因此即使原始目录包含文件,新目录也为空。


验证是否正确复制了文件。 随意修改代码并以自己喜欢的方式使用它。
