JUnit5 @RepeatedTest注解示例

JUnit5 @RepeatedTest注解示例

原文: https://howtodoinjava.com/junit5/repeated-test-annotation-example/

通过 JUnit5 @RepeatedTest注解,可以编写可以多次运行的可重复测试模板。 频率可以配置为@RepeatedTest注解的参数。

1. @RepeatedTest注解用法


@DisplayName("Add operation test")
void addNumber(TestInfo testInfo) {
	Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
	Assertions.assertEquals(2, calculator.add(1, 1), "1 + 1 should equal 2");

在上面的代码中,addNumber()测试将重复 5 次。

请注意,每次重复测试的行为都类似于常规@Test方法的执行,并且完全支持相同的生命周期回调和扩展。 这意味着对于每个单独的调用,将在适合它们的测试生命周期的地方调用@BeforeEach@AfterEach带注解的方法。

package com.howtodoinjava.junit5.examples;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.RepeatedTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.RepetitionInfo;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInfo;
import org.junit.platform.runner.JUnitPlatform;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

public class RepeatedTestExample {

	public static void init(){
		System.out.println("Before All init() method called");

	public void initEach(){
		System.out.println("Before Each initEach() method called");

	@DisplayName("Add operation test")
	void addNumber(TestInfo testInfo, RepetitionInfo repetitionInfo) 
		System.out.println("Running addNumber test -> " + repetitionInfo.getCurrentRepetition());
		Assertions.assertEquals(2, Calculator.add(1, 1), "1 + 1 should equal 2");

	public void cleanUpEach(){
		System.out.println("After Each cleanUpEach() method called");

	public static void cleanUp(){
		System.out.println("After All cleanUp() method called");


Before All init() method called

Before Each initEach() method called
After Each cleanUpEach() method called

Before Each initEach() method called
Running addNumber test -> 1
After Each cleanUpEach() method called

Before Each initEach() method called
Running addNumber test -> 2
After Each cleanUpEach() method called

Before Each initEach() method called
Running addNumber test -> 3
After Each cleanUpEach() method called

Before Each initEach() method called
Running addNumber test -> 4
After Each cleanUpEach() method called

Before Each initEach() method called
Running addNumber test -> 5
After Each cleanUpEach() method called

After All cleanUp() method called

2. 自定义显示测试名称

除了指定重复次数之外,您还可以为每个重复指定自定义显示名称。 此自定义显示名称可以是静态文本+动态占位符的组合。 当前,支持 3 个占位符:

  • {displayName}@RepeatedTest方法的显示名称。
  • {currentRepetition}:当前重复计数。
  • {totalRepetitions}:重复总数。
public class JUnit5AnnotationsExample 
	@DisplayName("Add operation test")
	@RepeatedTest(value = 5, name = "{displayName} - repetition {currentRepetition} of {totalRepetitions}")
	void addNumber(TestInfo testInfo) {
		Assertions.assertEquals(2, Calculator.add(1, 1), "1 + 1 should equal 2");


JUnit5 Repeated Test Display Names

JUnit5 重复测试的显示名称

您可以使用两种预定义格式之一,即RepeatedTest.LONG_DISPLAY_NAMERepeatedTest.SHORT_DISPLAY_NAME。 如果未指定,则SHORT_DISPLAY_NAME是默认格式。

  • RepeatedTest.LONG_DISPLAY_NAME{displayName} :: repetition {currentRepetition} of {totalRepetitions}
  • RepeatedTest.SHORT_DISPLAY_NAMErepetition {currentRepetition} of {totalRepetitions}
@DisplayName("Add operation test")
@RepeatedTest(value = 5, name = RepeatedTest.LONG_DISPLAY_NAME)
void addNumber(TestInfo testInfo) {
	Assertions.assertEquals(2, Calculator .add(1, 1), "1 + 1 should equal 2");

3. RepetitionInfo接口


public class JUnit5AnnotationsExample {

	public void initEach(RepetitionInfo info){
		int currentRepetition = info.getCurrentRepetition();
        int totalRepetitions = info.getTotalRepetitions();
        //Use information as needed

	@DisplayName("Add operation test")
	@RepeatedTest(value = 5, name="{displayName} :: repetition {currentRepetition} of {totalRepetitions}")
	void addNumber(TestInfo testInfo) {
		Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
		Assertions.assertEquals(2, calculator.add(1, 1), "1 + 1 should equal 2");

	public void cleanUpEach(RepetitionInfo info){
		int currentRepetition = info.getCurrentRepetition();
        int totalRepetitions = info.getTotalRepetitions();
        //Use information as needed


